2 minutes

A: Today we’ll be talking about the importance of trustworthiness and honesty.
A: Oxford dictionary defines honesty as being truthful, sincere, and free from deceit
M: Do you think that trustworthiness and honesty is exclusive to Islam?
M: Indeed, Islam emphasizes the significance of trustworthiness
A: But trustworthiness is valued by everyone regardless of faith.
A: In a hadith the Prophet (S.A.W.) reminds believers that a Muslim is the one in which others are safe from his hand and tongue.
M: Meaning, that Muslims should not speak ill of others and should not harm others.
M: Several verses in the Qur’an highlight the important quality of truthfulness
A: The important question to be asked, however, is this: How does Islam build honesty in Muslims? Islam builds honesty in the person through several ways:
A: Allah orders the Muslim to be honest in all cases, in all deeds and words, to himself and others.
M: He shows the Muslim rationally that honesty is the best policy, even on practical basis.
M: Allah promises the honest person generous rewards in the world and in the hereafter.
A: He threatens the dishonest person with severe punishment for his dishonest behavior.
A: Allah develops the habit of honesty in the Muslim through actual practice, for example through fasting and prayer.
M: So Islam builds the habit of honesty in the Muslim through direct instructions, through rational arguments, through reward and punishment, and through practice.
M: In universal ethics the three dimensions of Honesty are Truthfulness, sincerity, and frankness
A: Last but not least a sincere person does not act, conceal the truth, or stay silent with the intention of creating beliefs or leaving impressions that are untrue or misleading.
M: truthfulness means not intentionally misrepresenting a fact. Intent is the crucial distinction between truthfulness and the truth itself. Being wrong is not the same thing as being a liar, although honest mistakes can still damage trust.